QUALITY  FIRST


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                  Metek Kitamura Thailand
     Our technology know accumulated over the years has not been restricted in the field of the ultra -  precision surface processing for metals and semi- conductor parts. We make improvement and develop the function of device by special coating and complex material, the development of the periphery material device that draws the function of an electron device as  maximum, various kind of pollution  preventing technology ,indispensable production technique and automatic machine system development technology.  Metek Kitamura can gather these by evaluating the potential know-how into new high value added technology.  Our themes are
  1. The technology innovation field  of ultra minute surface treatment -Micro
  2. The technology enhancement of data processing/communication field- Digital
  3. The joint research with difference type of industry enterprise -Collaboration

We believe in "High tech incubation" findings of the next generation technology /product that are holding unknown possibility and breed up by the development -propelling style, as our important role besides staying in the current technology market.




       Metek Kitamura Thailand

       Address 119  Moo 4
        Nakornluang Industrial Estate Nakornluang Ayutthaya 13260
        Tel (035)364161-5, Fax (035) 364160, (035) 364166
        Contact Mail (Japanese) : ytsukada@metek-mkt.com , nishiyama@metek-mkt.com
Contact Mail (Thai) : rujira@metek-mkt.com , wasuporn@metek-mkt.com



Cultivating the field of applied  technology of electronic Device
About Metek Kitamura
       Copyright  2007 Metek Kitamura (Thailand )Co.,Ltd .  :: All Rights Reserved .

Contact Mail (Japanese) : ytsukada@metek-mkt.com, nishiyama@metek-mkt.com Contact Mail (Thai) : rujira@metek-mkt.com, wasuporn@metek-mkt.com